Wednesday, November 23, 2016

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy prevents,identifies,corrects and alleviates acute or prolonged movement dysfunction of anatomic or physiologic origin. The primary objective of physical therapy is to promote optimum human health and function.

Methods used in physiotherapy.
1.Electro Therapy    
2. Exercise Therapy

Electro Therapy

  1. Shortwave Diathermy
  2. Ultrasound Therapy
  3. Interferential Therapy
  4. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
  5. Muscle simulator
  6. cervical/lumbar Traction
  7. Wax bath
  8. infrared rays
  9. laser

Exercise Therapy

  1. Active and Passive Exercises
  2. Resisted Exercises
  3. Joint Mobilization Technique
  4. Suspension Therapy
  5. Relaxation Technique
  6. Stretching
  7. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
  8. Myofascial Release Technique
  9. Gait and Balance Training
  10. Breathing Exercises
  11. Postural Draining.

Do I need a physiotherapist?

  •  Do u have any limitation in joint range of motion?
  •  Do u feel any trouble while doing daily living activities due to illness or injury?
  • Do u think the quality of your life is affected by illness or injury?

If you answer is yes towards to any of these questions you need a consultation with a physical therapist.

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