Sunday, December 11, 2016

Top 5 Interesting Facts about Physiotherapy

1.A massage therapist is only a massage therapist but the physiotherapists are not like that. Owing to the unawareness some people think that the massage they get from the physiotherapy center and the spa center are same.But it's not like that.The massage performed by a therapist has an intention to reduce the spasm and to maintain the tissue mobility of the particular muscle.

              A physiotherapist is focusing on one body part at a time, to provide rehabilitation for the patients don't have muscle power and joint range of motion. The education level of each practice and tools utilized makes them different.Physiotherapy is an evidenced based, scientific approach to treating injuries and pain and dysfunction.  A physiotherapist is qualified to do diagnosis and do decide the treatment, a therapist may use muscle energy techniques, myofascial release, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and/or active release techniques. Nowadays there are many other techniques physiotherapist may use to manipulate soft tissue.  

In the modern era, Spa massages are most popular. Most of the massage centers do only some kind of relaxation, and the professional spa massagers spend almost sixty to ninety minute massage. These centers entertain people during the massage by means of playing music, one on one attention and a serene environment.  While during some message it may cause the imbalance within the soft tissue. Some kind of messages increases blood circulation and helps to breaks down scar tissue. In addition, it helps to realign muscle fibers and gets rid of lactic acid especially after vigorous activity. The main intention of this kind of messages is to bring change and balance psychological level of the clients.

2. Hippocrates is considered as the father of Physical therapy, he started the manual therapy, massage, and hydrotherapy in 460BC.

                                                 Many of today’s techniques in physiotherapy are actually what they used in years ago.During World War time the first school of physiotherapy started in Washington. Modern physical therapy was established towards the end of the 19th century due to events that had an effect on a global scale, which called for rapid advances in physical therapy.The physiotherapy what we have is emerged in the middle of nineteenth centuries owing to the changes happened to the world, which called for rapid advances in physical therapy.

3.Studies have shown that physical therapy can be as or more effective than surgery to address a range of knee and back conditions.

                                                 The discovery of appropriate changes in the biomechanical patterns of lower limb joints will lead to advanced physical rehabilitation protocols including treating with US, TENS, and additional PT strategies, and comparing them to know which one of these may help in minimum progression of the disease leading to delay in need for total knee replacement surgery and thereby improving the quality of life by providing mobility and relief to huge population affected by OA.

4. Virtual Reality opens new Opportunities in Physical Therapy.

       The people who are all disabled have some limitations to participate in leisure activities but virtual reality opens a new world for this kind of people for their leisure time and improving their motor skills also.Research shows that the virtual reality made an astonishing improvement in the physique fitness levels of the patients.
5.There are a lot of opportunities for physio to work in the sports clinics, hospitals,  home care, and schools.

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